Mr. K Bulger
My Story
As the PSHE lead at St. Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School, I invited 52 Lives: School of Kindness into school to deliver an assembly and workshop to Year 2 and Year 6 children in February 2022. Their aim is to promote kindness. Every week, they help someone by sharing their story on their website and via social media with a request for whatever it is that person needs. The children at St. Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School wrote to an elderly lady on the occasion of her 101st birthday to wish her all the best on this amazing milestone.
Having survived the COVID-19 pandemic, and now sadly, another international crisis in Ukraine; the aim of 52 Lives seems especially timely and pertinent. That is why I am asking you to sponsor me as I take on a significant personal challenge. I am training for a 5km swim this summer at the Great North Swim 2022 in Lake Windermere.
This is the farthest I have ever swum. Firstly, this is exciting as I love taking on personal challenges. Swimming 5km is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical challenge, as it is the equivalent of swimming 200 lengths of a 25m pool. The mental and physical challenge of being in the water for a significant amount of time is tough. In addition, I need to be out of the water in under two hours, or I will be fished out! So, no pressure!
Please sponsor my efforts, safe in the knowledge that in doing so, you will be spreading kindness and generosity. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and, once again please be as generous as you can in sponsorship.
Thank you,
Mr. K Bulger